Interface SignatureFormatter

All Known Implementing Classes:
FormatterSigFormatter, NullSigFormatter, StandardExceptionSigFormatter

public interface SignatureFormatter

This class can rearrange and format the entirety a log message. All the arguments in a log message can be examined, re-arranged, converted, and a new log message created. that can be logged. The "signature" is meant to apply the arguments; this object will consume the provided signature and output a new signature. The purpose of this method is to allow one to perform complex logging transformations. SignatureFormatter objects are applied BEFORE the individual arguments are formatted by ArgumentFormatter. Derived SignatureFormatter objects should take care not to perform work that could be performed by an ArgumentFormatter. The SignatureFormatter implement should be very selective about what it accepts and very rigorous in what it emits. (This also allows it to play nicely with other SignatureFormatter objects.)

Method Summary
 boolean canFormat(List<Object> arguments)
          This should return true only if this "Formatter" can provide a useful formatting for this signature.
 void format(List<Object> arguments)
          This will re-arrange and alter the signature provided into a new signature.

Method Detail


boolean canFormat(List<Object> arguments)
This should return true only if this "Formatter" can provide a useful formatting for this signature.


void format(List<Object> arguments)
This will re-arrange and alter the signature provided into a new signature. This will modify the provided list.