Uses of Interface

Packages that use ArgumentFormatter

Uses of ArgumentFormatter in logahawk

Method parameters in logahawk with type arguments of type ArgumentFormatter
static void Utils.addStandardFormatters(SimpleLogger logger, Collection<SignatureFormatter> signatureFormatters, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> argumentFormatters)
          Adds all standard Signature and Argument Formatters that exist in the "formatters" package.

Uses of ArgumentFormatter in logahawk.formatters

Classes in logahawk.formatters that implement ArgumentFormatter
 class AbstractArgumentFormatter
          Useful base class for ArgumentFormatters.
 class AbstractCollectionArgFormatter
          Abstract base class for ArgumentFormatters that writes each object in the Collections on a single line.
 class ArrayArgFormatter
          Formats arrays of objects using a wrapped CollectionArgFormatter.
 class ClassArgFormatter
          Formats Class objects.
 class CollectionArgFormatter
          Formats Collections of objects by deferring each instance in the collection to the provided formatters.
 class ConcatCollectionArgFormatter
          Concatonates all objects in the Collections together into a single String.
 class DateArgFormatter
          This formatter can handle Date objects.
 class DefaultArgFormatter
          Provides basic information about any object, specifically the Class, hashcode, and results of toString().
 class DimensionArgFormatter
          Formatter for Dimension instances.
 class FileArgFormatter
          Formats File instances.
 class HierarchicalCollectionArgFormatter
          Writes each object in the Collections in a way that shows a hierarchy between the objects.
 class MapArgFormatter
          Formats a map object to be output as "[index] key -> value".
 class MultiLineCollectionArgFormatter
          Writes each object in the Collections on a single line.
 class NullArgFormatter
          Formats null arguments with the String "null".
 class ParentObjectArgFormatter
          Formats the object and its parents allowing one to see an object's context in relation to other objects.
 class PrimitiveArgFormatter
          Formats primitive types by using their toString() implementation.
 class StringArgFormatter
          This formatter can handle CharSequence and Character objects, including String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer.
 class SwingArgFormatter
          Formats Swing and AWT components.
 class SwingParentArgFormatter
          Uses a SwingArgFormatter to format AWT/Swing objects to show its context within its parent AWT/Swing objects.
 class ThrowableArgFormatter
          This formatter can handle "Throwable" objects -- namely Exceptions.
 class UriArgFormatter
          Formats URI instances.
 class UrlArgFormatter
          Formats URL instances.
 class UuidArgFormatter
          Formats UUID instances;
 class XmlNodeArgFormatter
          Formats Nodes as XML strings.
 class XmlNodeParentArgFormatter
          Uses a XmlNodeArgFormatter to format XML Nodes to show their full path.

Fields in logahawk.formatters declared as ArgumentFormatter
protected  ArgumentFormatter ParentObjectArgFormatter.childFormatter
          Formats the child object.
protected  ArgumentFormatter StandardExceptionSigFormatter.messageFormatter
protected  ArgumentFormatter ParentObjectArgFormatter.parentFormatter
          Formats the parent objects.

Methods in logahawk.formatters that return ArgumentFormatter
protected  ArgumentFormatter AbstractArgumentFormatter.findFormatter(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters)
          Returns the first ArgumentFormatter whose canFormat() returns true for the provided object.

Methods in logahawk.formatters with parameters of type ArgumentFormatter
 void ArgumentFormatterContainer.add(ArgumentFormatter... formatters)
          Adds the provided ArgumentFormatters.

Method parameters in logahawk.formatters with type arguments of type ArgumentFormatter
protected  ArgumentFormatter AbstractArgumentFormatter.findFormatter(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters)
          Returns the first ArgumentFormatter whose canFormat() returns true for the provided object.
protected  String HierarchicalCollectionArgFormatter.format(List<Object> list, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String PrimitiveArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String StringArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String UrlArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String DefaultArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String DimensionArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String ConcatCollectionArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
          Formats the provided object into a list of objects, displaying the index before each item.
 String ThrowableArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String UriArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String ClassArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String ArrayArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String MapArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
          Formats the provided object into a map of objects, displaying the index before each key value pair.
 String HierarchicalCollectionArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
          Formats the provided object into a list of objects, displaying the index before each item.
 String ParentObjectArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String NullArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String FileArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String UuidArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String XmlNodeArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String DateArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
 String MultiLineCollectionArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
          Formats the provided object into a list of objects, displaying the index before each item.
 String ArgumentFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
          This converts the object into a String that represent the object.
 String SwingArgFormatter.format(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
protected  String AbstractCollectionArgFormatter.formatList(Collection<?> coll, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
protected  String MapArgFormatter.formatObj(Object obj, int index, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
protected  String MultiLineCollectionArgFormatter.formatObj(Object obj, int index, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
protected  String AbstractCollectionArgFormatter.formatObj(Object obj, int index, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
          Formats a single object at the provided index.
protected  String AbstractCollectionArgFormatter.formatSingleObj(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
          Special formatting request when the collection contains only one item.
protected  String AbstractArgumentFormatter.getChildObjectFormat(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
          Formats the provided object using the provided ArgumentFormatters.
protected  String SwingArgFormatter.getValue(Object obj, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel)
          Returns the value of the Object; returns null for non-input controls.
protected  void ArrayArgFormatter.unpackDoubleDimensionArray(Object obj, List<Object> list, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel, Character arrayType)
          Double-dimension arrays are fairly common in 2D application.s
protected  void ArrayArgFormatter.unpackQuadDimensionArray(Object obj, List<Object> list, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel, Character arrayType)
          Four dimensions is common for programs that use quaternions.
protected  void ArrayArgFormatter.unpackSingleDimensionArray(Object obj, List<Object> list, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel, Character arrayType)
protected  void ArrayArgFormatter.unpackTripleDimensionArray(Object obj, List<Object> list, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> formatters, int indentLevel, Character arrayType)
          Triple-dimension arrays are often used for Vectors and 3-dimensional matricies

Constructors in logahawk.formatters with parameters of type ArgumentFormatter
ParentObjectArgFormatter(ArgumentFormatter childFormatter, ArgumentFormatter parentFormatter, CollectionArgFormatter collectionArgFormatter)
StandardExceptionSigFormatter(ArgumentFormatter messageFormatter, ThrowableArgFormatter throwableFormatter)
SwingParentArgFormatter(ArgumentFormatter formatter, CollectionArgFormatter collectionArgFormatter)
XmlNodeParentArgFormatter(ArgumentFormatter formatter, CollectionArgFormatter collectionArgFormatter)

Constructor parameters in logahawk.formatters with type arguments of type ArgumentFormatter
DefaultArgumentFormatterContainer(Collection<ArgumentFormatter> items)